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Incredible Alien 5 Fan Artwork Resurrects Ripley, Hicks and Newt!

Incredible Alien 5 Fan Artwork Resurrects Ripley, Hicks and Newt!

Scified2015-02-26 12:53:51
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With the exciting news that Neill Blomkamp will be resurrecting the dormant Alien franchise for 20th Century Fox, fans are already letting their imaginations run wild with the possibilities this new film can bring to the Alien legacy. Following last night's confirmation that Alien 5 will in fact take place after James Cameron's Aliens and will ignore Alien 3 and Alien ResurrectionAlien 5 could very well see the return of Lt. Ellen Ripley and Cpl. Dwayne Hicks, as Blomkamp's original concept artwork would suggest. Fans of the Alien franchise are already creating speculative discussions about the film's plot synopsis in our Alien forums and one fan in particular has sent us this incredible piece of fan artwork he created based off of Blomkamp's original work. Check it out below!

This piece was created by J.H. Wzgarda, a concept artist and filmmaker himself, who's extremely hyped up for Blomkamp's Alien movie. You can check out his website here

If you have any Alien 5 inspired artwork you wish to share with the community, be sure to post it in the Alien Fan Artwork forum here!

Written by ChrisPublished on 2015-02-26 12:53:51
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