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What do we all want to see most in Alien 5

What do we all want to see most in Alien 5

Scified2020-06-10 02:13:05
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I have wanted to have this discussion for so long about the originality of Alien going back to its inception from the first movie so we might all be able to understand what the next Alien movie should really be about.

Some context is needed here to correctly derive at what I am hoping to achieve and rally people to my cause.

First let’s start with the original Alien.

Ripley says, “How do we kill it.”

Ash replies, “You still do not understand what you are dealing with. The Perfect organism, it’s structural perfection is only matched by its hostility, I admire it’s purity, a survivor, unclouded by conscious, remorse, or delusions of morality. Last word, I can’t lie to you about your chances, but you have my sympathies.”

The perfect organism that the android Ash was referring to was based on a superior design involving the best of two separate mechanical structures fused together, organics elements and inorganic metallics essentially.  

Acid for blood the organic and lightweight metallic hybrid carbon based composite skeletal structure. We have no idea really how the sub atomic lattice really functions from a Nano based perspective. I am only speculating at best how the matrix would be connected. The Engineers are tens of thousands of years more advanced than our bio sciences and physics involving the combination of metallic elements. So we get into these logical questions that come up obviously that if enough of the Aliens biology is based on smaller sub atomic metallics than how come you cannot use an emp type of device and kill them that way. Simply put the wafered structure at the atomic level has enough other organic elements that insulated from such wave functions.

So we now we all should understand that every part of the Alien is essentially a Nano weapon, able to morph when needed into other forms for other functions, such as the egg stage to either produce a queen or digest a human completely and make them into more face huggers.

Why is all of this even relevant and why bring any of this up in the first place. Several reasons come to mind.

The first one is a dissection of the scene in Alien Covenant when Ledward steps on the pod releasing the nano swarm of engineered molecules that sense his presence and invade his ear. We know that nano swarm very quickly converts his insides into what will be David’s Alien. I believe that to be one of the finest moments in science fiction and in my humble opinion elevated the possibilities of this universe far beyond what we originally saw in the first Alien movie. This was to set the stage for new films with a much darker more deadly Alien. In other words Scott broke the mold of our original perceptions so hard with what we thought we might be dealing with and replaced with a much more darker horror.


We must consider that Scott wanted very much to take us into a new universe, so remote from anything we had ever experienced before, that the audience would be terrified like they were in the original Alien film. His artistic vision was limited though by the critics at Fox over his budget. So we never got the films that Ridley would have shown us.

My second point then is that it is clear now that we were denied from the studio execs at Fox the movies that would have been fine master pieces in every respect if Scott had got the effects he needed and the budget to do them.

The scene when Ledward  has his back cracked open and the Alien splashes onto the floor is a masterpiece as far as I am concerned; however, when it comes to the Alien at the end of the film it is clearly digital and the end of the movie was ruined. Will not say too much more about that.

In closing I would like to add that I don’t care so much about David’s story any more, or seeing David mutilate the crew once they would reach the new planet.

It seems like an eternity has passed since we were about to really go somewhere and do something with this entire franchise and then it all got destroyed….there were signs of greatness in Alien Covenant, signs of important things artistically that could have been’ but once again we were not able to go all the way with how that movie should have been structured overall. So I want to show you all some pictures of what I think would have been much more scary and interesting when mixed with the newer more advanced Alien based images such as that nano swarm mixed within the right Engineer world as a back drop.

Geiger was an incredible artist and his vision lives on today in these films. Alex Kozhanov is another great artist that did some interesting work and it is his advancement of what Geiger was doing that is of interest to me of late. 

Please share what dark visions you might like to see in the next Alien film....should it be about David or should we just get on with an entire new envisioned world.


Written by BlackAntPublished on 2020-06-10 02:13:05
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