May-09-2017 7:31 PM
I like the title
ALIEN: Awakening
It has a foreboding to it, as awakening can be a great thing...or it can be horrible, and pertains to many things outside merely waking up from sleep.
It could also refer to David's full ascendance to true Sentience as well.
As for a Lunar-found Juggernaut, well, no real facehugger issues, as while it can keep a person alive on LV-426, it can't possibly do so in a vacuum environment, so about 35 seconds after it breached a guy's faceplate, well, dead host. ;)
THUS, the remaining crew (assuming an 'apollo 18' scenario) would know there's a threat/danger and thus moon landings ceased.
Until, say, the current projected return trips to the moon...
*Cue Ominous Music*

May-15-2017 6:50 PM
Bottom line is there was more Anticipation for Alien 5 than Prometheus 2. Lets look at the Set up and what we knew at the time before Alien 5 was announced and then when it was.
Prometheus 2:
The journey of David and Shaw, off to the Engineers Homeworld to seek out any potential Engineers or their creators for the answers to
*Why they Created us
*Who created them
*What was LV-223 about..
*What was the Black Goo why was it created
*What else had these Engineers or creators created
*Why is the Black Goo connected to the xenomorph and what other Horrors had these beings been up to.
*And to touch upon the Creation Mythos and Philosophical themes and uncover what the Agenda and Reasons and History is behind the Engineers and creation Hierarchy
While stepping away from the events of Alien and not introducing or explaining the Xenomorph and Space Jockey at least not yet.
Alien 5:
A Direct Sequel to Aliens that would be set 20 years after, and would undo the events of Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection, that would include and cover.
*A Derelict/Juggernaught ship recovered by a Asian Corperation
*Attempts to study the Xenomorph and Ship
*Results in a Queen and Xenomorphs
*Also explores alternative versions of the Eggs/Aliens
*Also explores Engineer Technology and even has Ripley Fuse with it.
*Brings back Ripley, Hicks and Newt....
*Tell how all 3 had had a Happy Ending after Aliens, but now this Xenomorph threat is upon us all again and Ripley is to the rescue to destroy the Xenomorph and Ship so no company can exploit them.
*Pass the Torch onto Newt for a sequel or few.
But the movie had a few things it was covering that conflicted where Ridley Scott was at the time going with Prometheus 2 and the Lore he was setting up.
That likely maybe touched upon... Engineer Technology, where is any left after Aliens. Xenomorph DNA and Origins and possibly how the Engineers are connected to the Eggs and Xenomorph and Black Goo.

May-15-2017 6:52 PM
Blomkamp said he had a idea for the Name for his Aliens sequel.. but its a interesting Name, and one Ridley Scott really liked.. but its kind of one that leaves them dead in the water.
So the Name must give away the Plot?
So this Name was Alien Awakening.... which means it would either had touched upon a Re-awakening of the Alien after being dormant for so long (20 years) either by discovery of the Derelict or other Engineer Ship.
Or it touched upon the Xeno Origins and Purpose.
It seems Ridley Scott is borrowing the Name and you have to wonder what else from Blomkamps ideas he is borrowing?

May-15-2017 7:19 PM
Yep... and Ridleys Comments to me do make me feel he plans 1-2 Prequels to Alien... likely the One intended is next.
Then it seems to make me think he will be making a alternative Sequel Franchise to Alien... and would not be afraid to bring back Ripley in Digitally De-aged Form.
You heard it here first folks lol (well not as i mentioned this the other week too lol).